“The Works Councils Act gives the works council access to important company information and a voice in strategic and social decision-making”
Through a works council (OR) employees can influence the policy and the course of business in the company in which they work. An employer can often create support for important decisions at an early stage through consultation with the works council.
Under the Works Councils Act (WOR) a works council must be established in companies employing at least 50 employees.
The works council is entitled to (financial) information. The works council also has the right to give prior advice on important strategic decisions. Think of the intention to merge with another company, or to relocate production facilities and implement redundancies. In some decisions of a social nature, for example about the working conditions policy, the works council has the right of consent.
Employee participation in practice
An employer wants to restructure the company: what exactly must be stated in the request for advice to the works council? What questions should a works council ask an employer who plans to merge with another company? And does a works council remain in place after the activities of the company are transferred to another organization?
On the basis of cases in which we advised, you can see exactly how our firm can be of service.